Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh Shit!

Good morning.
Remember that rocking toilet?
I thought that since I voided myself there that a double shot mocha wouldn't run right through me. Oops!
It is surprising the little things you notice while driving long distances, like "Next exit 7 miles".
Wow, a lot of pressure can build up in 7 miles.
My buddy Joe is a trucker, suddenly those stories about almost shitting himself are much less funny and seem more like sage advice on how to take care of yourself.
So, here I sit wishing I hadn't had that Tijuana Mama (300% hotter) last night and wondering why I didn't notice it earlier this morning on the rocker.

1 comment:

Bored Housewife said...



But I still love you. Even if I AM totally turned off right now!!! Hehehhee...